Comparing the coverage and accuracy of NavIC and GLONASS positioning systems

October 22, 2021

Comparing the coverage and accuracy of NavIC and GLONASS positioning systems

Satellite positioning systems have revolutionized how we navigate and find our way around the world. With multiple satellite systems in place today, it can be difficult to determine which system is best for our needs. In this blog post, we will be comparing two satellite positioning systems - NavIC and GLONASS.


NavIC, or Navigation with Indian Constellation, is India's own satellite positioning system. It is operated by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and consists of seven satellites in orbit. NavIC has a coverage area of India and its immediate surroundings.

NavIC is primarily used for terrestrial, aerial, and marine navigation, disaster management, vehicle tracking, and fleet management. It is also used in scientific expeditions to track movement and collect data. With NavIC, users can achieve position accuracy of up to 5 meters.


GLONASS, or Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema, is Russia's satellite positioning system. It is similar to the United States' GPS and consists of 24 satellites in orbit. GLONASS has a global coverage area and is primarily used for military and civilian navigation, as well as time synchronization.

GLONASS provides position accuracy of up to 2.8 meters for civilian users and up to 10-20 centimeters for military users. It is also used for fleet management, geodetic surveying, environmental monitoring, and search and rescue operations.


When it comes to coverage, GLONASS has an advantage over NavIC as it provides global coverage compared to NavIC's coverage limited to India and its surrounding areas. However, NavIC has the advantage of covering a densely populated area, which can be very useful in terms of disaster management, vehicle tracking, and fleet management.

When it comes to accuracy, GLONASS has the upper hand with a position accuracy of up to 2.8 meters for civilian users. NavIC, on the other hand, has a position accuracy of up to 5 meters, which is still impressive but not as accurate as GLONASS.

In terms of availability, both NavIC and GLONASS have a high reliability rate, with NavIC having 99.7% and GLONASS having 99.8% reliability.


Both NavIC and GLONASS have their advantages and disadvantages. NavIC is great for users in India and its surrounding areas, but GLONASS has a distinct advantage with its global coverage. When it comes to accuracy, GLONASS provides more precise positioning data, but NavIC still provides a reasonable level of accuracy for most users.

Ultimately, the choice between NavIC and GLONASS depends on the user's location and specific needs. Comparing their coverage and accuracy can help users make an informed decision and select the system that best fits their requirements.


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